Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Final Preparations.

We are making our final Preparations to cross over to the Bahamas for the winter. The Boat has been prepared, all of the lines checked, belts checked, spares checked, oil changed, all filters changed. Chris has been busy provisioning and making sure we will have plenty of food.  We had an appointment with Customs and Border Protection today and received our LBO card, which will make clearing customs in the spring much easier. We will celebrate Thanksgiving with family and then head back to the boat and start moving to the Lake Worth area where we will depart from.


Anonymous said...

Have a safe crossing...I will be thinking of you and hoping for smooth sailing. Love, Janette

Anonymous said...

So wonderful to hear from you ....
.... enjoy that Gewurztraminer! We are sold
out! Congratulations to Amy on her beautiful
The Harpersfield Crew

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a Great way to spend your Retirement! We'd like to move our 5th wheel down near my Brother and stay for a few months next winter! Checking out having it shipped by rail. Since Ron can't see well enough to Drive it down. Hope you have a Fantastic Christmas!