Monday, January 21, 2013

Getting ready to head for the Bahamas 2013.

After a month in Seattle to visit with our kids and see our new Grandson "Max" we are back in Florida at Westland Marina in Titusville and in the process of provisioning the boat for the next few months in the Bahamas. The boat has been launched and all of the repairs I have made over the Summer are working fine. We hope to start moving South to Lake Worth by this weekend where we will stage waiting a good weather window to cross the Gulf Stream to the Bahama banks. Once we are back on the boat full time we will be updating the blog more often.


Phil and Lorraine said...

How far south in the Bahamas are you going to go this season? You should really try the Exumas and Eleuthra island. They are really different from the Abacos with their own unique beauty.

Lorraine S/V Changes

Anonymous said...

'bout time!

Unknown said...

Good to hear from you again.
Bon Voyage.